Issues With Property Owners “Claiming” Boundary Lines

Both within residential and commercial areas, debates or issues regarding the true boundaries of a given property are common. There are many reasons why it might be important to properly define where your property ends and where another begins, and it’s especially important to have this done by an objective third party with the expertise to give precise measurements and results.

At Diamond Land Surveying, that’s exactly what you get. Our commercial and residential land surveying services have helped solve numerous debates regarding boundaries and other related questions, all performed quickly and affordably so you can move on with your life or your next project.

One common issue we see regularly, particularly within residential boundary disputes: Land owners attempting to “claim” some part of a property by placing certain items on a given disputed area. We’re here to tell you that this is not how it works, and simply having some of your property present in a given area does not make that area yours by default. Here are a few common structures or items property owners may try to use here, plus why they aren’t legitimate indicators of property ownership.

property owners claiming boundary lines


While many property owners use fences to help mark and maintain their property lines, it’s vital to understand that they do not create property lines on their own. Simply having a fence in a given spot on your property does not mean you own everything within it – this would be a Wild West situation that would make very little sense.

It’s also important to note that many fences are not built directly on a given property line. Many were erected in previous generations before property lines changed hands or were purchased by another owner. A fence can be helpful in many ways for property owners, but not for defining the property itself.

Retaining Walls

The same goes for retaining walls, which can be even more complex when there’s a height difference near a property line. In these situations, there’s often one property owner maintaining what’s on top of the wall, with another maintaining what’s at the bottom of it.

Regardless of which side you’re on here, the same theme is present for retaining walls as fences: Location does not signal ownership. Only a professional boundary survey can properly define where a given property ends or begins.

Trees, Bushes or Other Vegetation

Finally, while some may think they’re making an impact on property ownership by growing trees, bushes or shrubs on a given line, anyone can plant a tree. Once again, this is not a signal of ownership – and if you’re considering planting new trees anywhere near what you think is your property boundary, you should be sure you’re planting within your own area before getting started.

For more on why certain items in the space do not signal property ownership, or to learn about our legitimate property survey services, speak to the staff at Diamond Land Surveying today.